I heard Tom Peters speak at last year’s Leaders in London event (http://www.leadersinlondon.com).  He took the opportunity not to review his latest thinking on management principles, but to do a talk profiling what he referred to as one of his favourite leaders of all time:  Lord Horatio Nelson. 

I had originally intended to do an entry under ‘Leadership and Management’ on Nelson as the overview that Peters gave seemed to demonstrated a healthy balance of doing the right things and doing them right.  But actually when I read his blog entry ‘100 Ways to Succeed #32 – Mimic Lord Nelson’ (http://www.tompeters.com/entries.php?note=007068.php) I was more impressed by his thoughts relevant to ‘Turning Adversity to Advantage.’  Specifically, Peter’s two concluding Nelson traits that he listed and which dramatically articulated the principle of ‘rise each time you fall.’

“12. Shake off the pain, get back up off the ground, the timing may well be right tomorrow!

13. By hook or by crook, quash your fear of failure, savor your quirkiness and participate fully in the fray!”